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Time2Talk | Professional Counselling Services
Online, Telephone or In-person

Expert Counselling for Children, Individuals, Couples, Relationships & Families

Taithí a fháil ar chomhairleoireacht atruach agus gairmiúil le Seirbhísí Comhairliúcháin Time2Talk. Le breis is 20 bliain de thaithí, cuirimid Comhairliúchán saindeartha ar fáil do dhaoine aonair, lánúineacha, leanaí agus teaghlaigh, ag tabhairt aghaidh ar shaincheisteanna mar dhúlagar, imní, Uathachas/ASD, tráma/féinmheas PTSD, deacrachtaí caidrimh, úsáid substaintí & andúile, brón/caillteanas. , cosc ar fhéinmharú, strus/dóiteán, agus go leor eile.

Tá na seisiúin ar fáil ar líne agus ar an teileafón ar fud na RA, na hÉireann, na hEorpa agus níos faide i gcéin. Tá seisiúin phearsanta ar fáil ó Bhéal Feirste. Tá Maoirseacht Chliniciúil ar Líne agus F2F, oiliúint agus Comhairliúchán ar fáil freisin.

pause, breathe, relax image

Our Specialist Counselling Services

  • Individual Counselling 

  • Family & Systemic Counselling

  • Couples & Relationship Counselling

  • Specialist Child Therapy / CYP Counselling 

  • Autism/ASD Support Services

  • Trauma & PTSD Interventions

  • Clinical Supervision

  • Depression & Anxiety Counselling

Mervyn Reid Photograph Counsellor

Meet Mervyn Reid

Clinical Director, MBACP Accred, MNCPS Accred

Your Accredited Counselling Professional

I am a light-hearted Counsellor & Supervisor who is easy to talk with. I have 20+ years of experience working with couples, young people, children, individuals, and families. I will support you via face-to-face, telephone or online sessions using an integrative approach that helps us apply the best support at the best time. As a client-directed Counsellor, I take my lead from you, tailoring our sessions to suit your needs. Give me a call or a text to arrange your free 15-minute consultation. Clinical Supervision & Consultation offered.  I am accredited with both the BACP and NCPS.

Is seirbhís theiripeach í an chomhairleoireacht a chuireann timpeallacht shábháilte thacúil ar fáil do dhaoine aonair, lánúineacha nó teaghlaigh chun a ndúshláin a phlé agus a threorú. Baineann sé le caidreamh gairmiúil idir comhairleoir agus cliant(í), ina dtacaíonn an comhairleoir le cliaint chun a gcuid mothúchán, smaointe agus iompar a fhiosrú agus ag an am céanna cabhrú leo straitéisí a fhorbairt chun dul i ngleic lena n-eispéiris.


Is é Mervyn Reid a thairgeann seirbhísí comhairleoireachta gairmiúla amháin. Le breis is 20+ bliain de thaithí, d’oibrigh Mervyn le lánúineacha, daoine óga, leanaí, daoine aonair agus teaghlaigh i raon leathan suíomhanna. Cuireann sé seisiúin duine le duine, teileafóin agus ar líne ar fáil ag baint úsáide as cur chuige comhtháite a shaincheapann na seisiúin chun freastal ar riachtanais an chliaint. Cuimsíonn a shaineolas raon leathan réimsí, lena n-áirítear féinmharú agus féindochar, dúlagar agus imní, tráma, mí-úsáid, ASD agus obair fhéinaitheantais, mar shampla.


Clinical Services


“Mervyn supported me through a difficult Trauma and a painful time in my life. I have made great strides forward and could not have done this without you. I have begged and attended many other health professions before you but you were the only one who got me, who understood me, and who managed to help me. I am glad we found each other. Thank you. "

Get in Touch

Are you ready to start your journey to well-being? Contact Mervyn now for compassionate and professional counselling services. Whether you prefer face-to-face, telephone, or online sessions, I am here to support you.  Reach out today to schedule an appointment or your free 15-minute consultation and take the first step towards a healthier, happier you.

Work, like you don't need a thing

Grá, mar ní raibh tú gortaithe riamh

Dance, like nobody's watching.

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